Life Blog

Moving the World for 30 Years

Teaching Pilates

Advice On Cueing The Core: More Muscles Than You Imagined

The more you can get the whole body to work as a system the better off your clients are when they leave your class.  Great you did an hour of Pilates, but what happens when you need to go out and run around a soccer field and play a sport?  It’s not that we’re not cueing specific muscles, but that we’re also trying to do it in the most intelligent fashion.  Read More

The Secret to Working with Joint Replacements

The ultimate goal is to give a positive movement experience. We need to help to re-educate movement patterns and then build strength! The instructor has to be aware of pathologies and common problems that we see on a regular basis.Read More

How To Make Your Movement Look Good And Feel Good With Dynamic Alignment.

Say the goal as a dancer is to look good in the mirror. What if it also feels good and is also efficient?  Learning how to create that would be the goal.  I’ve had conversations with people saying “Ballet wrecks your body”, but I disagree. Ballet can be a great exercise but you have to work on achieving those forms with good function and in dialogue with whoever is trying to achieve them. Read More

The Expert of Their Pain – Listening to Our Clients’ Stories

People who are not as afraid of their pain anymore are now prime candidates for the most powerful thing to change pain, which is movement. People in pain are afraid to move. They fear that they will undo their knee or hurt their back and their alarm system is on full alert while the back is healing. Tissues heal, right? It’s the education model designed to facilitate people to move that is where we really want to get them, that’s where the therapy happens. They are just afraid to move. Read More

The Best Teachers Teach in the Moment

How would you describe your presence in the Pilates Studio? Cheerful, affectionate, grounded, powerful, indulgent? I always find it amazing that two Pilates teachers can lead the same exercise, using similar cues, yet one of them leaves you feeling great and the other falls flat. This is the nuance that presence brings to a session.Read More